

Online Learning Support

Internet Courses

Our Internet courses are conducted through the Canvas online Integrated Learning Platform. Please visit the Canvas site for information about this system.

For a list of online courses, you may access the Semester Schedule (OASIS) online. Choose a term, and click the Go button. Expand the Additional Search Criteria section, and choose Computer Based for the Mode of Instruction. For specific course information or course requirements, please contact the instructor or the division office.

Note that online courses incur a fee of $12/hour above the cost of our on-campus courses to cover the additional costs of electronic course delivery. See the Tuition and Fees page to calculate the cost of your tuition and fees.

Once you have decided to enroll in an online course, the enrollment process is no different from that of enrolling in an on-campus course. If you have not already been admitted to the college, you must apply for admission before you may enroll. After you have been admitted, you may enroll.

Please direct specific course questions to the instructor or the division through which the course is taught. Contact the Instructional Support & Online Learning office if you have technical or general questions concerning online course delivery. If you have a Canvas question that your instructor cannot answer, please contact the eLearn Support Helpdesk.