

President Webb and Alumni Hall of Fame award recipient

Alumni Hall of Fame

Do you know a Rose State alum worth bragging about — share your nominations with us!

Alumni & Foundation

Alumni Spotlight

Darren Brown

You may have seen Darren Brown’s series on KWTV entitled, “Tales of Native Oklahoma,” or perhaps you’ve seen one of his many interviews. Brown, a photojournalist for 20 years, has won numerous journalism awards.

Rhonda Bushnell

A gleaming smile is one of the first things you notice about Rhonda Bushnell, dental hygienist. When Rhonda was growing up, she neglected her mouth and that resulted in her loosing some of her teeth. She didn’t know about flossing, regular cleaning, dental exams, and the proper diet for strong, healthy teeth.

Glen Cabarcas

It takes years of training and dedication to become a Navy pilot, but Lt. Glen Cabarcas, Rose State alumnus, has done just that. Cabarcas flies the Navy’s E-6B Mercury. He is in charge of ensuring the safety of his crewmembers during the squadron flight missions in the U.S. and overseas. This is just one of the many duties of Cabarcas as a Navy Pilot. The Boeing E-6B serves as an airborne command post and communications center for the U.S. strategic forces and is used as the communications source to relay for fleet ballistic missile submarines, ICBM’s, and strategic bombers.

Terrance Grayson

Terrance Grayson has spent many hours volunteering and coordinating the mentoring program at Telstar Elementary School and the students put together a book to show their gratitude. As a special gift, the Telstar students presented him with a Thank You Mr. Grayson Book containing drawings and letters of appreciation for his many hours spent at their school.

Theresa Hopson

Theresa Hopson dreamed of the day she would have the time to focus on her education and career after her husband retired from the Air Force. After 18 years raising a family and moving from duty station to duty station, her chance arrived when her husband retired in 1999. Hopson went directly to her community college, Rose State College, and enrolled. “I liked the smaller class size and the friendly atmosphere of the college,” she said.

Gloria Knight

Teaching has always been a love of Rose State College Alumnae Gloria Knight. Her mother and sister were teachers. But after Knight graduated from Midwest City High School in 1971 she went on to work in the business world. It was years later, after she was married and her children were older, that Knight discovered a renewed love of working with and teaching children. Knight was teaching vacation bible school one summer when she realized how much she loved and missed interacting with children. The thought kept reoccurring in her mind that she needed to be a teacher. And she was determined to do something about it!

Michael Lovegrove

When Rose State College Alumnus Michael Lovegrove decided to attend college it was a life altering decision. He was 40 years old and had a high paying construction job, but he gave it up to accomplish his lifelong dream of becoming a history teacher. His quest began in 1990 when he decided to apply to Rose State College.