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Tutoring Center


The ACCUPLACER is the placement test used by Rose State College to guide enrollment. The following resources are provided to help students prepare. For questions about taking the test itself, please contact Enrollment and Specialized Testing.

Note: Rose State College uses the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER assessment. Students may prepare for this assessment using ACCUPLACER resources as well as COMPASS resources since the content of the two tests is similar. Please contact the Tutoring Center if you have questions about preparing for the assessment.

Taking the Next-Gen ACCUPLACER?

How assessment with ACCUPLACER works…

To ensure placement in the appropriate courses, some students may be required to take the Next-Gen ACCUPLACER.  This assessment measures students’ skills in math, reading, and writing. As part of the multiple measures approach to placement, ACCUPLACER can lead to proper placement, which leads to student success.

Missed the mark the first time taking ACCUPLACER?

If a student isn’t satisfied with the initial results, the assessment may be taken free of charge twice during an enrollment period with the option to retake one subject area instead of all three.

Students are strongly encouraged to spend time preparing before taking or retaking the ACCUPLACER, and the following resources will be helpful:

  • ACCUPLACER Online Course and Practice Tests
    This site is made available to you by RSC. Please contact Enrollment and Specialized Testing (EAST) for more information on how to access the material. EAST is located upstairs in the Student Services Building, Room 204. You can also call EAST at (405) 733-7320.
  • Next-Gen ACCUPLACER Information Site
    This is the official site for Next-Gen ACCUPLACER practice. You will need to create an account the first time you visit.
  • Next-Gen ACCUPLACER Study App
    This site offers practice tests and questions for Next-Gen ACCUPLACER.
  • ChompChomp
    This is a fun site to help with basic grammar skills.
  • CoolMath
    ​This is a colorful site featuring math games and lessons.
  • Khan Academy
    You will need to create an account, but this site features help in reading, writing, and math.
  • Major Tests
    This site features practice tests and vocabulary lists that can help build skills to prepare for college-level courses. 
  • Montgomery College
    This site offers ACCUPLACER prep for reading and writing.
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
    This site offers writing help, including grammar, formatting, essays, rhetoric, and exercises.
  • Purple Math
    This site features math help, including general test prep and subject-specific materials.
    This site offers help with building vocabulary, featuring games and other tools to expand vocabulary in a fun way.  There is an option to sign up for a free account that tracks student progress.
  • YouTube
    A list of videos to help with Next-Gen ACCUPLACER math prep is available.
  • The NROC Project
    This site features help in both math and English, offering courses to explore to build skills in weak areas.

Math ACCUPLACER Practice Tests