

Social Sciences


The goal of the Associate in Arts in Pre-Education degree program is to prepare students with general education requirements needed to transfer to baccalaureate programs in Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education.


Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education majors seeking Teacher Certification in the State of Oklahoma must complete 12 hours in 4 subject areas: English, Social Studies, Science, and Math (4x12). Courses taken in these areas must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in order to satisfy degree requirements. Additionally, Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education majors must demonstrate listening and speaking skills in a foreign language at the novice level.

Degree requirements (PDF) 

Additional Information

Students are encouraged to consult the catalog of the institution from with they will receive a bachelor’s degree regarding specific requirements.

The Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET) is designed to assess state core general education knowledge and skills, including critical thinking, communication, and computation. The test includes approximately 100 selected-response questions and 1 writing assignment.

Students are encouraged to complete the OGET after 40 college credit hours are earned.

Access up-to-date registration and testing information, test preparation materials, and services that enables you to register and obtain your test results online.  
University of Central Oklahoma College of Education and Professional Studies
University of Oklahoma Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
Oklahoma State University College of Education
East Central University Department of Education

Education Links

Certification Examinations for Oklahoma Educators
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
National Education Association
Oklahoma Education Association
Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation
Oklahoma State Department of Education
The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Teach for America 


Joetta Gatliff
Joetta Gatliff
Professor Social Sciences Department
(405) 736-0323