

Student standing in the Library

Rose State Library

From the library catalog and online databases to reference and research, the Library has what you're looking for!

Student Resources

The Study

Located in the Humanities Building, HUM 218, "The Study" is available for students to use as a quiet retreat to study and relax. Seating, WIFI, tables, chairs are available.

Rules for use of "The Study"

  • Take or make all cell phone calls outside.
  • Use headphones or earbuds to listen to recorded audio.
  • Keep conversations low-key and quiet.
  • Throw all trash in trash cans and clean up any spills.
  • In all ways, be respectful of others in your use of this space.
  • Report problems to the Humanities Office on the first floor (733-7380).

The Study

The Study is designed to be a great resource for students.

The Study