Instructions for New Students
Congratulations on your acceptance to our Nursing Program!
There are several documents that need action taken on in a short time frame.
You must open each link, print each page, and follow instructions. All documents are PDFs.
Most have deadlines so pay attention to them!
Important Dates Fall 2025 |
1. Accept or decline spot—Thursday, May 15, 2025 by 4:00 pm Please send an email to to either accept or decline your spot. If you do not send an email by the deadline (Thursday, May 15, 2025 by 4:00 pm), your spot will be considered declined and will be given to the next student. KEEP A COPY OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE LETTER IN A SAFE PLACE. It is the ONLY proof of being accepted to the Nursing program. You may need this for Financial Aid verifications during the program, work verifications, and next semester’s paperwork. If you have not applied for financial aid, please do so at Rose State’s School Code is 009185. The financial aid office here is 405-733-7424. Check out your eligibility for Workforce Oklahoma tuition assistance and supplies/books at Also, sign up for scholarships at click on A-Z, then S, then Scholarships. In addition to general scholarships, there are Nursing Program scholarships. Only one application is necessary. |
2. Order your Nurse Pack (Lab Supply Kit). – Beginning Track students will need the kit for PNC 1. |
3. Drug Screening: To be completed by July 10, 2025. All nursing students are required to take a drug test before beginning the program. Compliance Resource Group will be testing in the Health Sciences Building on July 10, 2025, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. The charge is $35 and you may pay by cash or credit card. Bring a photo ID. If you are unable to attend the drug screening event on July 10, take the order form to CRG during their normal business hours for your drug screen no later than July 10. The order form is attached here: Attachment #2 |
4. Background check— Between November 18 and December 10, 2024 A link will be sent to you so you can access the GroupOne website with the appropriate code. Background checks must be completed on all students before enrolling in clinicals to meet the requirements of the facilities used. |
5. Deadline Mandatory Clinical Requirements Immunizations/CPR— July 15, 2025 Certain immunizations are required to enter clinical facilities. You must start on your immunizations immediately and email your proof of vaccinations or titers to or bring them to the nursing office by July 15, 2025. You must also provide proof of American Heart Association BLS Provider certification. All emailed documents must be scanned and emailed as PDF attachments. PHOTOS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. You cannot be admitted to the program until this is complete. Please see Attachment 3 for a complete list of the required immunizations. Attachment 4 is a list of suggested providers. |
6. Enrollment—This will be done after all required documentation has been received. We will handle your enrollment in the Nursing program classes as soon as we can once you have provided all of the required immunization documents and BLS Provider certification. Once enrolled, your schedule can be found in Oasis. For financial aid questions, you may contact the advisors at |
7. Textbooks – You will receive specific information regarding textbook and course material charges as soon as these are finalized. See Attached. |
8. Uniform and Equipment Requirements: You will be required to have a uniform with a patch and student ID badge for clinical rotations. Your uniform will include scrubs, scrub jacket (optional), and shoes. (Semester 1 students will not be required to wear their uniforms until the third week of school.) In addition to your clinical badge, you must also have a regular Rose State College student photo ID. You may wear your uniform scrub top or a solid color top or T-shirt to have your photo made for the clinical badge. This badge can be made after orientation and before your clinicals start. Please get your regular Rose State College student photo ID card first. Do not try to get your clinical badge made before orientation. Please see attachment #6a and attachment #6b |
9. CPR Certification— Deadline July 15, 2025 American Heart Association approved BLS Provider certification is required by July 15, 2025. NO OTHERS ARE ACCEPTED. If you need help locating a course, contact the Nursing office. |
10. New Student Orientation— Date and time TBD. All PNC 1 students and PNC 3 (Career Ladder) students who are new to the RSC Nursing program are required to come to the orientation. See attachment 7: Additional Information |
11. Course Orientation: PNC 1 — January 3, 1:00 - 4:00 pm and January 17, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Health Sciences Building, Room TBD This orientation is for all first-semester students. PNC 1 means “first” semester. You will receive an email with the schedule. ORIENTATION IS MANDATORY. |
12. Course Orientation: PNC 2 — DATE AND TIME TBD This orientation is for all second-semester students. |
13. Course Orientation: PNC 3 — January 13, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and January 15, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
You will receive an email with the schedule. ORIENTATION IS MANDATORY |
14. Course Orientation: PNC 4 — DATE AND TIME TBD This orientation is for fourth-semester students. You will receive an email with the schedule. ORIENTATION IS MANDATORY |