Program Admission and Application
2025 Application - Due May 21st
Students are strongly encouraged to speak with a Health Sciences Advisor every semester to help stay on track and be prepared to apply.
Admission to the Medical Laboratory Technology professional courses is by a special application procedure. The only entry to the professional courses is the fall of each year.
The application period is February 1 through May 15. A link to the application will be found on this page only during the application period.
Completed applications and all requested documents must be returned to the Health Sciences Division Office by May 15th at 5:00pm. Late applications will not be accepted.
The following application procedure should serve as a guide when applying to the program.- Apply to Rose State College (if not currently enrolled).
- Applicants must be admitted to the college through the Admissions office before application to the Medical Laboratory Technology Program can be made.
- Official college transcripts(s) of coursework not completed at Rose State College must be submitted to the Admissions office.
- Submit a request for a degree audit for the Medical Laboratory Technology Program. (Only required if student has out-of-state credits) Information regarding the degree audit and how to submit can be accessed online.
Criteria for Program Selection
All applicants are reviewed by the criteria listed below. There are 110 total points possible. A minimum of 70 points is required to apply. The highest numerically ranked applicants are selected. The minimum number of points needed for acceptance will vary each year based on competitiveness of the applicant pool.
I. Points are awarded for the final grade in each course below.
**All classes must be completed in order to apply**
A= 2 points, B= 1.5 points, and a C= 1 point.
ENGL 1113 English Comp I
ENGL 1213 English Comp II
HIST 1483 US History to 1877 (or)
(HIST 1493) US History since 1877
POLS 1113 American Federal Government
PSYC 1113 Introduction to Psychology
(Total possible: 10)
II. Points are awarded for the final grade in each course below.
**All classed must be completed in order to apply**
A= 20 points, B= 15 points, and a C= 10 point.
CHEM 1114 Introduction to Chemistry
CHEM 1124 Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry
HSBC 1104 Anatomy and Physiology (or)
(BIOL 2424) Human Physiology
HSBC 1224 Introduction to Clinical Microbiology (or)
(BIOL 2035) Principles of Microbiology
(Total possible: 80)
Pre-Algebra Assessment (Math 1) 200 - 249
120 250 - 265
266 - 284
285 - 300
(Total possible: 10)
Not Eligible
Must complete course with an “A” to receive bonus points
HSBC 1113 Medical Terminology
HSBC 2103 Human Pathology
(Total possible: 10)