

a laptop and data disk
stylized image showing a laptop and a lady

Business & Information Technology

Multimedia Digital Design

The goal of the Multimedia Digital Design degree is to provide students the ability to apply core knowledge of art and design principles using digital media and software.

Specific objectives include:

Providing students with a foundation in art and design principles to prepare them for graphic, print and mobile/web development jobs in industry. Students have the opportunity to choose to specialize in digital graphic design or mobile/web development. Each option will qualify the student to be in a more specific area of Digital Design. Students will learn to apply design through the use of software in the following areas; digital imaging , computer illustration, animation, social media strategies, and mobile/web development. Throughout the program students will be completing real industry projects and working with clients within the industry to complete their degree requirements.

Multimedia Digital Design AAS Degree Sheet 2023-24 (PDF)

Discipline Professors

Tony Sellars
Tony Sellars
Professor, Marketing/Social Media/Multimedia Business Information Technology Division
(405) 733-7472

Academic Advisor

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson
Academic Advisor Business Information Technology Division
(405) 736-0348